Sometimes the holidays feel more stressful than they do joyous. One way to combat the holiday horrors? Better sleep.
Hit Snooze on Seasonal Stress
It’s no secret that Love and Science is made up of optimizers. What we didn’t know until earlier this year is that we’ve all been independently pointing our penchant for improvement at sleep.
So we started Saint Pillow, a brand focused on hacking your way to restorative sleep.

Ready to sleep like the dead? Here’s a roundup of the teams’ favorite products to promote silent nights.

One Ring to Rule Them All
Even strangers in the sauna ask me about my Oura ring. I pretty much always tell people it’s awesome, but not perfect.
There are annoying things to navigate, but it’s opened my eyes to all kinds of factors that I can tweak to achieve better, more restful sleep.
Clap On, Clap Off
Essentially unchanged since 1984, you can still purchase The Clapper (from the Chia Pet people, BTW).
No need to grope around for your remote, accidentally knocking it to the floor. You’re only a clap or two away from blissful sleep.

Safe Alternative to Ben’s Hair Brained Schemes
Despite my fear that BedJet may be stealing my wife, it’s an investment I’m still glad I made two Christmases ago. When my idea to rig a hairdryer under the covers was summarily dismissed, I turned to a more conventional temperature control.
Sleep Like the Dead
Official Saint Pillow “Rest in Pants” sweats for guaranteed* slumber (parties). *Not actually guaranteed. Get Cozy, Look Cooler >

And That’s Not All
We’re overflowing with recommendations! Here’s an abundance of additional objets d’arte (et de sommeil).
- Rosemary’s Everlasting Slippers
- Daniel’s Impossibly Expensive Fan
- Katelyn’s Back Sleeper Convert Pillow
- Micah’s Guaranteed Knock Out Sleep Scent
- Jesse’s Jasmine Bonsai for Serenity (Now)

Patron Saint of Soft Landings
Because we do what we do and we are who we are, we used our Saint Pillow idea to dig deep and develop some new tools.
Sleep Like the Dead
Ideation + Speed Branding
We had the idea, but it was only loosely formed. The team went into separate corners and pulled together mood boards, including audio, video, imagery, and concepts to provide the fodder for V1 of Daniel‘s brainchild – Nucleus, the in-progress, immersive seed from which the brand can grow.

Daniel summarized the vibe and created concept “commercials” and a sound mark (like a logo, but audio!) that really synthesized all the madness we’d come up with.
Listen close for that sweet sonic branding at the beginning of the video.
Sleep Hard, Live Soft
Once we had that brand seed, developing key brand elements was fun and easy. Here’s our working USP.
Live fully rested. Defy the norms of the sleep-deprived world. Your best night starts here.
Rest in Peace
Identity + Design
On the other side of our rapid fire brand strategy, we knew Saint Pillow and we knew who Saint Pillow was trying to reach. From there it was time to leverage that knowledge and start applying it. Micah brought the rubber to the road.
This is a glimpse of Micah‘s process from start to finish with lots of failed attempts left out.
He knew he wanted a skull, so he started with basic shapes and refined until we were happy. Then he moved into typography until we settled on the end result which gave us the vibe we were after.
Special shout out to color ramps.

Sleep Your Way to Top (of Your Game)
The real beginning of the brand started with Ben.
While we’re all maniacal about shuteye, Ben has his mom helping him prototype the ultimate pillow. It’s been impossible to get him to write even a single article for Love and Science, but he can’t stop writing for Saint Pillow.
And of course, he built the website.
Stop Resisting a Rest

Misfortune Cookie 6 Word Story
Could not sleep. Christmas is canceled.