
ChatGPT-4 & I Wrote a Song Together

Jesse takes ChatGPT-4 on a frustrating songwriting adventure, turning AI-generated chords, melodies, and lyrics into a catchy pop tune!

Don’t bore us, skip to the chorus >

That’s the original tweet, but I thought I’d document the process here too.

My first prompt was simply: “You and I are a songwriting duo. You will tell me what to play and I’ll perform & record the music”. It returned the skeleton of a song with chord progressions, lyrics, and style.

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That was a lot to work with so I fired up #LogicPro and got to work. I wanted more guidance so I asked it what the instrumentation and BPM should be. It said 110-130 is perfect for pop, so we went with 120BPM.

I wondered if Logic could tell me which loops and sounds to use. It kind of can, but when I looked for some of the sounds they didn’t exist, especially when it comes to loops.

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To make this simple I used live loops to record each section of the song. Now I needed it to write some melodies for me. I went back and forth with it to craft something that felt better to my ear. Notice that I got upset with it about using solfege and it didn’t get butthurt.

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Now I wanted an epic intro melody. So far I’ve interpreted the notes as quarters, but it gave me 5 notes in the 3rd measure so I wanted to see if it could give me rhythm. It worked, but then the ending was boring so I had to coax something better out of it.

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I went through the rest of the melodies, but when I got to the pre-chorus I had to inform it that it was performed in halftime. Now to the bridge and where it started to all go wrong.

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The bridge used 7 chords instead of 8. When reading charts if the last chord is repeated it isn’t always written and F is a great chord to end with so I went with that. The issue is that GPT4 changed the bridge chords on me and refused to acknowledge the error.

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We’re back on track, but I’m miffed that it tried to gaslight me. Now is the time I tell it a secret

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I run in to the issue of #GPT4getful again

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I finally get it to be more precise about the lyrics

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I have no intention of a vocal performance at 1am, but I see this as being viable with enough tweaks.
Thanks for sticking around. Here’s the demo of the #ChatGPT4getful pop song. Due to video time constraints this isn’t the full arrangement, but all parts are here.

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